Piergiuseppe Fortunato (UNCTAD) Development prospects in a fractured world: Global disorder and regional responses slides video
Pramila Crivelli (Asian Development Bank) The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement: A new paradigm in Asian regional cooperation? slides video
Stefano Inama (UNCTAD) AfCFTA and RCEP amidst challenges and opportunities slides video
Chahir Zaki (Cairo University) Aid for trade and export promotion: Economics or politics? slides video
Nada Hazem (Cairo University) Environmental provisions in trade agreements and firms’ performance: Evidence from Egyptian firm-level data slides video
Julien Vercueil (INALCO) Decoupling Russia from Western-led value chains slides
Giovanni Graziani (University of Parma) The US-China trade war and technological race slides video
Ignazio Musu (University of Venice) China in energy geopolitics slides
Vittorio Valli (University of Turin) Changes in the world economy and the main emerging countries in the 21st century slides video
Filippo Boeri (London School of Economics & Political Science) Natural disasters and business groups: Propagation through ownership networks and reshoring dynamics slides
Mariusz-Jan Radło (Warsaw School of Economics) Opportunities and challenges for moving-up the value chains in times of turbulence. Experience of Central & Eastern European countries in 2020-2022 slides
Marta Marson (University of Turin) FDI and local development: a spatial analysis slides video