Deaglio, M (Ed). (2022). Il mondo post globale. Guerini e Associati, Milano. ISBN: 9788862508599
Cornia, G.A., Bertoli, S., Bortolotti, L., Martorano, B., Romano, D., Sanfilippo, M., Tiberti, L., Ticci, E., 2022 La Politica Economica dei Paesi in via di Sviluppo, Florence University Press, ISBN: 978-88-5518-521-9
Wang, H., Balcet, G., & Zhang, W. (2021). GEELY DRIVES OUT: The Rise of the New Chinese Automaker in the Global Landscape, Rollins College, USA, ISBN: 9789811234446.
Amighini, A., 2021 Finanza e potere lungo le nuove vie della seta, Egea ISBN/EAN: 9788883503085
Muthuri, J., Arnold, M.G., Gold, S., Rueda Fajardo, X. (Eds) 2020 Base of the Pyramid Markets in Africa: innovation and challenges to sustainability, Routledge Abingdon, Oxfordshire. Hardback ISBN 9781138389113. Paperback ISBN 9780367509576.
Gabriele, A., 2020 Enterprises, Industry and Innovation in the People’s Republic of China: Questioning Socialism from Deng to the Trade and Tech War. Springer Nature, Singapore. ISBN 978-981-15-2121-8
Capasso, S. and Ferragina, E. eds., 2019. Mediterranean Migration and the Labour Markets: Policies for Growth and Social Development in the Mediterranean Area. Routledge.
Drahokoupil, J. (Ed.) 2017, Chinese Investment in Europe: Corporate Strategies and Labour Relations, ETUI, Bruxelles.
Valli, V. 2017, The Economic Rise of Asia: Japan, Indonesia and South Korea, Accademia University Press, Torino
Ferragina, E. (ed), 2017. Rapporto sulle economie del Mediterraneo. Il Mulino.
Valli V., 2015, The economic rise of China and India. Accademia University Press, Torino.
The last decades have witnessed the spectacular rise of two great Asian economies: China and India. The book analyses the main determinants and the weaknesses of China’s and India’s process of very rapid growth. Great attention is given to structural changes, to the importance of the insertion in the third wave of the fordist model of growth and in the globalization process, to the deepening of income inequalities, to the rising social, environmental and demographic problems. Each of the two countries is analyzed on its own, while the final chapter of the book is devoted to a comparative analysis of the two economies in their periods of rapid growth.
Boussichas, M. and Guillaumont, P. eds., 2015. Financing Sustainable Development: Addressing Vulnerabilities. Éditions Economica.
Sdralevich, M. C. A., Sab, M., Zouhar, M. Y., & Albertin, M. G. (2014). Subsidy reform in the Middle East and North Africa: Recent progress and challenges ahead.
Balcet G. e Valli V., 2012, Potenze economiche emergenti. Cina e India a confronto. Il Mulino, Bologna.
Il volume, nel mostrare differenze e analogie dei modelli di sviluppo dei due colossi asiatici, si sofferma sulle principali trasformazioni del sistema produttivo, sulle differenti politiche pubbliche e finanziarie, sulle crescenti disuguaglianze nella distribuzione del reddito e sul progressivo deterioramento dell’ambiente, e approfondisce un importante esempio di politica industriale, quello del settore dell’automobile. Gli autori, pur evidenziando i punti di forza che hanno permesso l’impressionante crescita di Cina e India, mettono in luce le debolezze di uno sviluppo così rapido e impetuoso, capace di modificare il panorama economico internazionale e, nel contempo, di aprire problemi che i governi di quei paesi dovranno necessariamente affrontare.
Gomel, G., Marconi, D., Musu, I. and Quintieri, B. eds., 2012. The Chinese economy: recent trends and policy issues. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg 978-3-642-28638-4
Ruparelia S., Reddy S., Harriss J., Corbridge S. (eds) , 2011, A Great Transformation? Understanding India’s New Political Economy. Routledge, New York.
A number of large-scale transformations have shaped the economy, polity and society of India over the past quarter century. This book provides a detailed account of three that are of particular importance: the advent of liberal economic reform, the ascendance of Hindu cultural nationalism, and the empowerment of historically subordinate classes through popular democratic mobilizations. Filling a gap in existing literature, the book goes beyond looking at the transformations in isolation, managing to explain the empirical linkages between these three phenomena. It provides an account that integrates the insights of separate disciplinary perspectives and it explains their distinct but possibly related causes and the likely consequences of these central transformations taken together. By seeking to explain the causal relationships between these central transformations through a coordinated conversation across different disciplines, the dynamics of India’s new political economy are captured. Chapters focus on the political, economic and social aspects of India in their current and historical context. The contributors use new empirical research to discuss how India’s multidimensional story of economic growth, social welfare and democratic deepening is likely to develop. This is an essential text for students and researchers of India's political economy and the growth economies of Asia.
Gabusi, G., Andornino, G.B., Armao, F., Caffarena, A., Coralluzzo, V., Giusti, S., Ruzza, S., Tuccari, F., 2010, L'orizzonte del mondo: Politica internazionale, sfide globali, nuove geografie del potere, Guerini & Associati, Milano.
Dopo l'Ottantanove, la politica mondiale ha sperimentato una fase di profondo cambiamento: è la sua stessa natura a essere stata messa in discussione. Lo dimostra il modo in cui ormai concepiamo la sicurezza, spinti da fenomeni quali l'incremento dei conflitti civili e l'imporsi di gestori privati della violenza, siano essi terroristi, insorti, mercenari o criminali. Nel medesimo periodo la globalizzazione economica ha disegnato nuove geografie del potere, tanto è vero che oggi diversi global players - Cina e Russia soprattutto reclamano un ruolo da protagonisti nel processo di ridefinizione delle regole del gioco. L'obiettivo di questa riflessione collettiva è dare un senso al cambiamento del quale siamo stati testimoni nel corso degli ultimi vent'anni, ma che abbiamo faticato a catturare. Lo sguardo è però rivolto in avanti. Stiamo davvero tornando a un mondo multipolare? Come si rifletteranno sugli anni a venire gli importanti e complessi sviluppi politico-diplomatici, economici e di sicurezza che hanno preso forma nell'arco degli ultimi due decenni? Come riusciranno Europa, Cina, Russia e Stati Uniti a raccogliere le note, sempre più urgenti, sfide globali? Competizione e cooperazione non verranno meno, ma dalle proporzioni della miscela dipendono le prospettive di successo della governance globale, ovvero la qualità delle nostre esistenze. Il vero nodo è la fisionomia della politica che si profila all'orizzonte del mondo.
Van Dijk M.P., 2009, The new presence of China in Africa, Amsterdam University Press.
This book describes China's growing range of activities in Africa, especially in the sub-Saharan region. The three most important instruments China has at its disposal in Africa are development aid, investments and trade policy. The Chinese government, which believes the Western development aid model has failed, is looking for new forms of aid and development in Africa. China's economic success can partly be ascribed to the huge availability of cheap labour, which is primarily employed in export-oriented industries. China is looking for the required raw materials in Africa, and for new marketplaces. Investments are being made on a large scale in Africa by Chinese state-controlled firms and private companies, particularly in the oil-producing countries (Angola, Nigeria and Sudan) and countries rich in minerals (Zambia). Third, the trade policy China is conducting is analysed in China and compared with that of Europe and the United States.
In case studies the specific situation in several African countries is examined. In Zambia the mining industry, construction and agriculture are described. One case study of Sudan deals with the political presence of China in Sudan and the extent to which Chinese arms suppliers contributed to the current crisis in Darfur. The possibility of Chinese diplomacy offering a solution in that conflict is discussed.
The conclusion considers whether social responsibility can be expected of the Chinese government and companies and if this is desirable, and to what extent the Chinese model in Africa can act as an example – or not – for the West.
10 years of the Turin Centre on Emerging Economies: lessons learned and perspectives for the...