- Keynote lecture Carlos De La Torre (University of Florida) - “The populist politicization of inequalities”
- D. Baiardi (University of Parma), "Do sustainable energy policies matter for reducing air pollution?".
- I. Bizberg (El Colegio de México), "The limits of State (wage-led) growth models in Latin America: the case of Brazil, Argentina, Bolivia and Ecuador (2004-2014).
- A. Calanchi (University of Urbino), "Exporting Economy on the Red Planet: or, the Anthropocene Reloaded".
- P. Crivelli (Goethe University Frankfurt), S. Inama, "Can the European Union reform of rules of origin be used as a model for the other WTO members? An empirical impact analysis on the use of trade preferences granted to Least Developed Countries".
- C. Candelise (Bocconi University), G. Ruggeri, "Status and evolution of the community energy sector in Italy".
- C. Ebubechukwu (University of Urbino), A. Golah-Ebue, "Nigeria: The giant in comatose".
- A. Gabriele (Unctad), "Enterprises, industry and innovation in the People's Republic of China. Questioning socialism from Deng to the trade and tech war".
- A. Gentili (University of International Studies of Rome), F. Compagnucci, E. Valentini, M. Gallegati, "Have jobs and wages stopped rising? Productivity and structural change in advanced countries".
- S. Leoni (Università Politecnica delle Marche), "An agent-based model for tertiary educational choices in Italy".
- I. Musu (University of Venezia), "China’s challenge".
- L. Nguyen (University of Malta), "The impact of overtourism on small island economies".
- L. Oddo (University of Genova), A. Zanini, C. Lagazio, "Condicio sine qua non: the absence of the bourgeoisie class and its consequences on economic development in the Roman Era".
- E. Paglialunga (University of Urbino), A. Coveri, A. Zanfei, "Climate change and global inequality".
- J. Priewe (HTW Berlin - University of Applied Sciences/IMK), "Why 3 and 60 per cent? The rationale of the reference values for fiscal deficits and debt in the European Economic and Monetary Union".
- N. Pontarollo (University of Brescia), E. Marelli, "Long term inequality in EU countries and regional resilience".
- M. Pianta (Scuola Normale Superiore Firenze), F. Bloise, D. Chironi, "Inequality and elections in Italian regions".
- N. Pontarollo (University of Brescia), M. Obaco, R. Mendieta, "Subnational poverty dynamics of two forgotten Latin American Countries: the cases of Ecuador and Uruguay".
- R. Ricciuti (University of Verona), A. Baronchelli, A. Foresta, "The Words to Keep the People Apart. Official Language, Accountability and Fiscal Capacity".
- R. Rombaldoni (University of Urbino), E. Sanchez, R. Pozzi, "Growth and regional economic inequalities in Europe".
- M. Signorelli (University of Perugia), I. Belokurov, O. Demidova, "Cross-country inequality: a Markov chain approach".
- A. Sacchi (Sapienza University of Rome), T. Medda, F. Palmisano, "Social progress and informal economy: a worldwide empirical evidence".
- D. Sciulli (University of Chieti-Pescara), M. Malo, "Expected wealth transfers and consumption in Europe".
- F. Spigarelli (University of Macerata), A. Ninni, P. Liu, "How home and host country industrial policies affect investment location choice? The case of Chinese investments in the EU solar and wind industries".
- D. Saccone (University of Pollenzo and OEET), M. Marson, E. Vallino, "International trade and food security: a cross-country analysis".
- R. Targetti Lenti (University of Pavia), M. Civardi, "The multiplier approach based on the SAM as a suitable framework to catch the generation process of inequality in the households income distribution".
- A. Tasgian (University of Torino), “Inequalities in Indonesia”.
- E. Vallino (Polytechnic University of Turin and OEET), L. Ridolfi, F. Laio, "Estimating economic water scarcity in agriculture: a cross-country exploration".