Keynote lecture – Roberta Rabellotti (Dep. of Political and Social Sciences, University of Pavia), C. Pietrobelli (Roma Tre University), A. Van Assche (HEC Montréal)
Making sense of global value chain-oriented policies: the trifecta of tasks, linkages, and firms slides video
Keynote lecture - Jong Woo Kang (Principal Economist, Regional Cooperation and Integration Division, Economic Research and Regional Cooperation Department, Asian Development Bank)
Global and regional value chain landscape in Asia slides video
Keynote lecture - Beata Javorcik (Chief Economist of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development – EBRD - and Professor at University of Oxford)
Will FDI flows and green transition reshape GVCs? video
Elisabetta Gentile (Economist, Macroeconomics Research Division Economic Research and Regional Cooperation Department, Asian Development Bank), G. de Vries (Rijksuniversiteit Groningen)
Is participation in global value chains driving income convergence in developing Asia? A task-based accounting approach slides video
Andrea Coveri (Dep. of Economics, Society and Politics, University of Urbino), A. Zanfei (University of Urbino)
Functional specialization in FDI and value capture in GVCs: an empirical assessment of the smile curve on a global scale slides video
Elena Vallino (DIATI, Politecnico di Torino), L. Ridolfi (Politecnico di Torino), F. Laio (Politecnico di Torino)
Trade of economically and physically scarce virtual water in a globalized food trade network slides video
Ivan Savin (Inst. of Environmental Science and Technology of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona -ICTA-UAB), P. Mundt (University of Bamberg), U. Cantner (Universities of Jena and of Southern Denmark), H. Inoue (University of Hyogo), S. Vannuccini (University of Sussex Business School)
Market Selection in Global Value Chains slides video
Lelio Iapadre (University of L’Aquila and UNU-CRIS)
Trade openness and international production networks in emerging Asian countries slides video
Juan S. Muñoz-Morales (IÉSEG School of Management, Paris), L. Bonilla (Banco de la República, Colombia)
Import competition, foreign inputs, and labor adjustment in a developing country: evidence from Colombian liberalization slides video
Chahir Zaki (Faculty of Economics and Political Science, Cairo University), N. Aboushady (Cairo University)
Hidden protectionism and Global Value Chains integration: evidence from Egypt slides video
Pierluigi Montalbano (Università Sapienza Roma), S. Nenci (Roma Tre University)
The effects of global value chain (GVC) participation on the economic growth of the agricultural and food sectors video
Sebastian Franco‐Bedoya (World Bank), E. Frohm (European Central Bank)
Reduced "border effects", FTAs and international trade slides
Simone Cigna (Barcelona School of Economics), Vanessa Gunnella (European Central Bank), Lucia Quaglietti (World Bank),
Global Value Chains: measurement, trends and drivers slides video
Prof. Alessia Amighini (Eastern Piedmont University) Money and Might Along the Belt and Road Initiative OEET online seminar,16th April 2021.
Keynote speech - Carlo Sdralevich (Intermational Monetary Fund - IMF) "Sub-Saharan Africa: A difficult recovery" Slides Video
Keynote speech - Stefano Inama (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development - UNCTAD) "The new Asia-Pacific Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership at the time of the pandemic. "A myth is born" or another brick in the wall?" Video
Maurizio Bussolo (The World Bank) "Workers at risk: Panel data evidence on the COVID-19 labor market crisis in India" Slides Video
Giorgia Giovannetti (Università degli Studi di Firenze), R. Ayadi, E. Marvasi, G. Vannelli, C. Zaki "On the future of regional integration in the Euro-Mediterranean: how will COVID-19 will affect Global Value Chains?" Slides Video
Ignazio Musu (Università Ca’ Foscari di Venezia) "China’s economic recovery after Covid-19" Slides Video
Azzurra Rinaldi (Università degli Studi di Roma Unitelma Sapienza), J. Chipumuro, R. Mihailescu "Post-Covid crisis and the gender gap in tourism: what is going to happen in South Africa?" Slides Video
Thomas Schumann (Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg) and H. Brezinski "The Macroeconomic Situation in the Russian Federation before, during and past Covid-19 – a Scenario-based Outlook" Slides Video
Vittorio Valli (University of Turin) "The fight against Covid-19: the cases of Japan, South Korea and Taiwan" Slides Video
Xieshu Wang (CEPN/CNRS – University Sorbonne Paris Nord and Turin Centre on Emerging Economies OEET) "Covid-19 and the new trends of Belt and Road Initiative" Slides Video
10 years of the Turin Centre on Emerging Economies: lessons learned and perspectives for the...