Economic effects of climate change and energy transition on emerging countries

14th DECEMBER 2023

2.00 PM-2.15 PM   Welcome and introduction

Welcome and introduction by Vittorio Valli (OEET President), Donatella Saccone (OEET Director) and Augusto Ninni (OEET Scientific Member).

2.15 PM-3.15 PM Keynote lecture

Anna Pegels, Senior Researcher – German Institute of Development and Sustainability

Unlocking green growth: Strategic policy areas for emerging countries

3.15 PM-6.45 PM   Session 1

Chair: Augusto Ninni (Mercatorum University)

Donatella Saccone (University of Pollenzo and OEET), Climate change, food prices and inequality.

Valentina Alvarez-Saavedra (Université de Bordeaux), Does climate change exacerbate inequality? A communal level analysis of the Chilean case using Small Area Estimation.

Coffee break (4.30 PM-4.45 PM)

Giorgio Brosio (University of Turin), The impact on countries and within countries of decarbonization and energy transition on fiscal revenues and their allocation. The Latin America case.

Andrea Pronti (Catholic University of Milan): Global exports draining local water resources: land concentration, food exports and water grabbing in the Ica Valley (Peru).

Elena Vallino (University of Turin), Good (or bad) water governance. A macro empirical analysis of the determinants of Integrated Water Resources Management.


15th DECEMBER 2023

9.00 AM-10.00 AM   Keynote lecture

Pascal Petit, Emeritus Professor - Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique

Helping access of developing countries to clean energy: a critical issue for a global transition

10.00 AM-1.00 PM   Session 2

Chair: Giovanni Balcet (University of Turin)

Chahir Zaki (University of Orléans), Making Macroeconomic Policies More Environment Friendly: A CGE Analysis for Egypt.

Xiaodan Yu (University of Nottingham Ningbo China), The twin transition in Chinese regions: Joining green and digital transformations.

Xieshu Wang (University of Turin), China’s EV industry policy and development.

Coffee break (11.20 PM-11.40 PM)

Augusto Ninni (Mercatorum University), Effects of industrial policies for energy transition on emerging countries.



The workshop will be held at Campus Luigi Einaudi, Lungo Dora Siena, 100, 10153 Torino (ROOM F5), and online at  https://unito.webex.com/meet/oeet . No preliminary registration is required but we appreciate if you send an email at Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo. to communicate your participation, either in presence or online.


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