Roberta Aluffi is associate professor of comparative law at the Law Department, University of Turin. She formerly held that same academic position at the University of Pavia (1993-1996). She has taught as a visiting professor or lecturer in a number of universities (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (Paris), University of Alicante, Faculty of Theology of Lugano (CH), University of Milan, University of Siena, University of Marrakesh and at Center for Transnational Legal Studies run by Georgetown University in London). She is a member of the Board of Direction of FIERI (International and European Forum on Migration Research); a founding Committee Member of IDEDI (Intercultura, Democrazia e Diritto); a member of the advisory board of REDESM (Centro di ricerca Religioni, Diritti ed Economie nello Spazio Mediterraneo”) and a member of the editorial board of Daimon, Annuario di Diritto Comparato delle Religioni. She is a member of the SIRD (Società Italiana Ricerca in Diritto Comparato), of the Association Henri Capitant des amis de la culture française. She served on the Interior Minister’s advisory board on social integration and citizenship (2007-2008). Her main fields of research interests are the family law in the Arab countries and Islam in Europe. She has taken part in several European Research Projects, as Genre and Migration ( and Women Rights in Democratic Transitions (
Her recent publications include: Šarīca, in "Enciclopedia del Diritto, Annali VIII", Giuffrè, Milano, 2015, 741-754; Interpréter et traduire l’arabe, langue des droits, in « Dr. Famille 2015, étude 1 », 28-29; Burqa and Islam, In: A. FERRARI e S. PASTORELLI, The Burqa Affair across Europe, Ashgate, 2013 ; Genre et Migration dans les pays de l’Afrique subsaharienne (ASS) et au Sud et à l’Est de la Méditerrannée (SEM), CDCT WORKING PAPER (ISSN:2280-9406), pp. 1- 20. Vol. 11-2012, (2012); Polygamy in Europe. DERECHO Y RELIGION. vol. I, pp. 209-222 (2006); Il matrimonio nel diritto islamico. In: ROBERTA ALUFFI BECK-PECCOZ ALESSANDRO FERRARI ALFREDO MORDECHAI RABELLO. Il matrimonio. Diritto ebraico, canonico e islamico: un commento alle fonti. (pp. 181-246). TORINO: Giappichelli a cura di Silvio Ferrari (2006).
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