Giorgia Giovannetti
Full Professor and Vice president for international Relations, University of Firenze

Who is

Who is

Who is

Giorgia Giovannetti is full Professor of Economics at the University of Florence and vice president for international relations (second mandate), visiting Fellow at the Schuman centre (EUI), visiting professor at NYU, Florence and member of the “consiglio di Reggenza” of the Bank of Italy, Florence. She is the principal investigator for Unifi of the European University Alliance EUniWell and the related H200. She is in the advisory board of the Africa Foundation for Higher Education (a network of 6 Italian Universities, Politecnico of Milan, Padova, Bologna, Roma Sapienza, Napoli Federico 2 and Firenze). She has acted as Scientific Director of the (first and second) European Report on Development in 2009 and 2010 for EUI, and as Director of the Research Centre of the Italian Trade Institute-ICE (2005-2007). She holds a PhD in Economics and a Master of Philosophy from Cambridge University (UK), and a Laurea cum laude in Statistics from Roma la Sapienza. She was fellow and lecturer at Trinity College- Cambridge and visiting Professor in several top foreign universities (Universitad Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, NYU Africa House, Universitad Torcuato de Tella, Buenos Aires Hoover Institution, Stanford). She has been advising, amongst others, the EU Commissioner for Development, the President of the Italian Trade Institute-ICE, the Italian Treasury, the Center for Global Development (CGD), the World Bank and the Italian Ministry of Foreign Trade. She is elected fellow of FERDI and Fondazione Luca D’Agliano. She is/has been member of boards of Journals and Report (Economia Italiana, Italian Journals of Economics, Iemed etc). Her work has been published in leading academic journals and presented in main international conferences.

Research interests

International trade, Global Value Chains, Development Economics, European Economics, Emerging markets

Selected publications

  • Ayadi R.; Giovannetti G.; Marvasi E.; Zaki C. (2022). Trade networks and the productivity of MENA firms in global value chains, Structural Change and Economic Dynamics 69, 10-23, 3 2024
  • Giovannetti, G.; Santi, F.; Velucchi, M. (2024) “Migrants know better”: migrants’ networks and FDI Economia Politica 41 (1), 85-121, 1, 2024
  • Giovannetti G;, Marvasi, E.; Ricchiuti, G. (2023) The Future of Global Value Chains and International Trade: An EU Perspective, Italian Economic Journal 9 (3), 851-867 4, 2023
  • Giovannetti, G.; Santoni, G.; Vannelli, G. (2023) Securing Foreign Markets: Exports, Relational Specificity and New Investment Locations, CEPII WP
  • Damoah, KA.; Giovannetti, G.; Marvasi, E. (2022) Five stylized facts on Belt and Road countries and their trade patterns, China & World Economy 31 (1), 149-181
  • diStefano, E.; Giovannetti, G.; Marvasi, E.; Mancini, M.; Vannelli, G. (2022). Reshoring and plant closures in Covid-19 times: Evidence from Italian MNEs. INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS, vol. 172, pp. 255-277, ISSN:2110-7017 Accesso ONLINE all'editore
  • Damoah, K.A.; Giovannetti, G.; Marvasi E. (2022). Do country centrality and similarity to China matter in the allocation of belt and road projects?. STRUCTURAL CHANGE AND ECONOMIC DYNAMICS, vol. ...., pp. 1-15, ISSN:0954-349X DOI Accesso ONLINE all'editore
  • Ayadi R.; Giovannetti G.; Marvasi E.; Vannelli G.; Zaki C. (2022). Demand and supply exposure through global value chains: Euro-Mediterranean countries during COVID. WORLD ECONOMY, vol. 45, pp. 637-656, ISSN:0378-5920 DOI
  • Giovannetti, G.; Sanfilippo, M.; Vivoli, A. (2022). Import tariff liberalization, employment and gender in Ethiopia. JOURNAL OF DEVELOPMENT STUDIES, pp. 1-30, ISSN:0022-0388
  • Giovannetti, G.; Velucchi, M. (2022) Gender discrimination and firm survival: a multilevel approach for EU textile companies, SN Bus Econ (2022) 2: 142,
  • Giovannetti, G.; Vivoli, A.; Marvasi, E.; Giglioli, S. (2021).The Resilience of Global Value Chains during the Covid-19 pandemic: the case of Italy. ECONOMIA ITALIANA, vol. 1, pp. 61-113, ISSN:0392-775X Accesso ONLINE all'editore
  • Fiorini, M.; Giovannetti, G.; Lanati, M.; Santi, F. (2021). Asymmetric Cultural Proximity and Greenfield FDI. The World Economy, TWEC13088, DOI: 10.1111/twec.13088
  • Damoah, K.A.; Giovannetti, G.; Sanfilippo, M. (2020). Markup Dispersion and Firm Entry: Evidence from Ethiopia. Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics.
  • Giovannetti, G.; Marvasi, E.; Vivoli, A. (2020).The asymmetric effects of twenty years of tariff reforms on Egyptian workers, with Economia Politica.
  • Giovannetti, G.; Marvasi, E.; Ricchiuti, G. (2019) Does the Same FDI Fit All? How Competition and Affiliates Characteristics Affect Parents’ Productivity. Italian Economic Journal, 5(3), 369-402 DOI 10.1007/s40797-019-00103-1.
  • Borghesi, S.;  Giovannetti, G.; Iannucci, GL.; Russu, P. (2019).The Dynamics of Foreign Direct Investments in Land and Pollution Accumulation, Environmental and Resource Economics. vol. 72, pp. 135-154, ISSN:0924-6460
  • Cigno, S.; Giovannetti, G.; Sabani, L. (2018). The Role of Trade and Offshoring in the Determination of Relative Wages and Child Labour, The Journal of International Trade & Economic Development RJTE Global, volume 27, number 3.
  • Del Prete, D.; Giovannetti, G.; Marvasi, E. (2017). Global Value Chains: new evidence for North Africa, International Economics. Volume 153, Issue 4, pp 675–701
  • Giovannetti, G.; Sanfilippo, M.; Velucchi, M. (2017). Diverse Twins: Analyzing China's Impact on Italian and German Exports using a Multilevel Quantile Regressions Approach in Applied Economics.
  • Giovannetti, G.; Marvasi, E. (2017). Governance, value chain positioning and firms' heterogeneous performance: The case of Tuscany, International Economics.
  • Del Prete, D.; Giovannetti, G.; Marvasi, E. (2017). Value Chains Participation and Productivity Gains for North African Firms, Review of World Economy.
  • Giovannetti, G.; Ricchiuti, G.; Velucchi, M. (2017). Size and technology: The Odd Couple for affiliates survival, Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, Volume 40, March 2017, Pages 64-71.

Other publications (last 2 years)

  • Berti, F.; Giovannetti, G.; Tomei, G. (2023). La mobilità degli studenti nelle Università della Toscana, Franco Angeli.
  • Falsini, F.; Papini, A.; Gentilini, G.; Santioli, M.; Bagnoli, F.; Pacini, G. (2023). University and environmental health: Green advancement at the University of Florence revealed by UI GreenMetric ranking. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1194 (1), 012035, 1.

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