Marta Marson (Secretariat)
Junior assistant professor, Polytechnic University of Milan

Who is

Who is

Ph.D in Economics of production and development University of Insubria
MSc of Science Urban and Rural Planning in Developing Countries IUAV Venice
MSc in Political Science University of Milan

Current and previous positions

Assistant Professor at Polytechnic University of Milan
Development consultant
Research fellow at OEET
Research fellow at University of Pavia
Research fellow at University of Insubria

Research interests

Economic development, Africa, water supply economics, food security, public-private partnerships

Selected publications

  • Marson, M., Saccone, D., & Vallino, E. (2024). Does food import contribute to rising obesity in low‐and middle‐income countries?. Kyklos.Marson, M., Saccone, D., & Vallino, E. (2022). Total trade, cereals trade and undernourishment: new empirical evidence for developing countries. Review of World Economics, 1-34.
  • Marson, M., & Savin, I. (2022). Complementary or adverse? Comparing development results of official funding from China and traditional donors in Africa. Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 62, 189-206.
  • Marson, M., Maggi, E., & Scacchi, M. (2021). Financing African infrastructure: The role of China in African railways. Research in Transportation Economics, 88, 101111.
  • Savin, I., Marson, M. and Sutormina, M., 2020. "How different aid flows affect different trade flows: Evidence from Africa and its largest donors." Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 55, pp.119-136.
  • Marson M, Maggi E 2017 “Light Public-Private partnerships in the water supply sector: Malawi and other case studies from Sub-Saharan Africa”, Development Policy Review, DOI: 10.1111/dpr.12228
  • Marson M, Van Dijk MP 2016 “Does the Zambian water sector regulator regulation have pro-poor tools and outcomes?” International Journal of Water, Vol. 10, Nos. 2/3, 2016 DOI: 10.1504/IJW.2016.075573
  • Marson M, Savin I 2015 “Ensuring sustainable access to drinking water in Sub Saharan Africa: Conflict between financial and social objectives”, World Development Vol 76, pp 26-39, 2015. DOI: 10.1016/j.worlddev.2015.06.002

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