Giovanni Balcet (Vice-president)
Former Professor of International Economics, Turin University.

Who is

Who is

Present positions

  • Full Professor of International Economics and International Business, Department of Economics and Statistics, University of Turin, Italy.
  • Vice President, Turin Centre on Emerging Economies OEET

Other academic or professional activities

  • Italian Delegate at the OECD Working Group on Globalisation of Industry, Paris
  • Referee for the following journals: "Transnational Corporations"; "International Journal of Automotive Technology and Management"; "Economia e politica industriale - Journal of Industrial and Business Economics "; “L’industria – Rivista di economia e politica industriale"; “Journal of International and Area Studies".
  • Member of the Advisory Board, “Journal of Applied Economics and Business Research”
  • Member of the Steering Committe, Master “Management of Development”, ILO International Center, Turin.
  • Member of Società Italiana degli Economisti
  • Member of Società Italiana di Economia e Politica Industriale
  • Member of the European Association for Comparative Economic Studies (EACES)

Previous positions

  • Directeur d’Etudes Associé, Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, Paris
  • Director, Master Degree in “Development, Cooperation and Innovation in the Global Economy”, University of Turin, Italy.
  • International expert at AERES, Agence pour l'Evaluation de la Recherche et de l'Enseignement Superieur, Paris.
  • Lecturer at the Master “Management of Development”, ILO International Centre, Turin
  • Associate Professor of Applied Economics (University of Turin, Italy)
  • Lecturer of International Economics at the Scuola Superiore Enrico Mattei, Milan
  • Associate Professor of International Economics (University of Brescia, Italy)
  • Lecturer of International Economics (University of Perugia, Italy)
  • Assistant Professor of Economics (University of Turin, Italy)
  • Lecturer of Applied Economics, within the Italian Development Cooperation (ITPEA, Algiers) 
  • Lecturer of International Economics and International Business at Industrial History and Economics Master, ICSIM, Terni.

Honours, Fellowships

  • Visiting Fellow, OECD Development Centre, Paris (1982)
  • Fulbright Visiting Fellow, ISPS, Yale University (1986)
  • Visiting Fellow, LAREA-CEREM, Université de Paris X, Nanterre (1991-92)
  • Visiting Fellow, LATAPSES-CNRS, Université de Nice-Sophia Antipolis (1996-97 and 1999-2000)
  • Visiting Professor, MA European Integration, University of Limerick, Irland (1997)
  • Visiting Professor, of European Integration at the Graduate School of International Studies, Seoul National University
  • Visiting Professor at: Université de Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne; Université de Nice-Sophia Antipolis, France.

Research interests

  • Foreign direct investments and the multinational enterprise
  • Global technology: international innovation processes
  • Joint ventures and cooperative inter-firm behaviour
  • Industrial and trade policies in the age of globalisation
  • Global automotive industry

Selected Publications

  • Internationalization, outsourcing and labour fragmentation. The case of FIAT, Cambridge Journal of Economics, Volume 44, Issue 1, January 2020, Pages 105–128, (with Grazia Ietto-Gillies)
  • Product innovation in emerging economies: product architecture and organisational capabilities in Geely and Tata, International Journal of Automotive Technology and Management, 4, 2018 (with W. Hua and C. Kimble).
  • Catching up strategies and multinational growth: the case of Geely Volvo, in: J. Drahokoupil (editor), Chinese Investment in Europe: Corporate Strategies and Labour Relations, ETUI, Bruxelles, 2017.
  • Geely: a Trajectory of Catching up and Asset Seeking Multinational Growth, in: X. Richet, M. Ozer, Z. Grubisic, I. Domazet (editors), Europe and Asia: Economic Integration Prospects, CEMAFI International, Nice, 2016 (with W. Hua e X. Richet).
  • Joint Ventures, Technology Acquisition and Emerging Multinationals: The Case of The Chinese Automotive Industry, in: X. Richet, V. Delteil, P. Dieuaide, Strategies of Multinational Corporations and Social Regulations. European and Asian Perspectives, Springer, Dordrecht, 2014.
  • Emerging countries’ multinational companies investing in developed countries: at odds with the HOS paradigm?, The European Journal of Comparative Economics, Vol. 10, n. 1, 2013, pp. 179-202 (with Wladimir Andreff).
  • Structuring and restructuring Fiat-Chrysler: can two weak carmakers jointly survive in the new automotive arena?, International Journal of Automotive Technology and Management, vol. 13, n. 2, 2013, pp. 183-197 (with Giulio Calabrese and Giuliana Comisso).
  • Geely: a trajectory of catching up and asset-seeking multinational growth, International Journal of Automotive Technology and Management, Special Issue “The Dynamics of the Chinese Automotive Industry: Strategies, Innovation and Globalisation”, vol. 12, 2012, n. 4, pp. 360-375 (with Wang Hua and Xavier Richet)
  • Editorial, International Journal of Automotive Technology and Management, Special Issue “The Dynamics of the Chinese Automotive Industry: Strategies, Innovation and Globalisation”, vol. 12, n. 4, 2012, pp. 313-317 (with Wang Hua).
  • Potenze economiche emergenti: Cina e India a confronto, Il Mulino, Bologna 2012 (with Vittorio Valli).
  • From Joint Ventures to National Champions or Global Players? Alliances and Technological Catching-up in Chinese and Indian Automotive Industries, European Review of Industrial Economics and Policy, number 3, 2011 (with Joel Ruet)
  • Indian Multinationals in the Automotive and the Pharmaceutical Sectors: Competitive Advantages and Strategies, in: K. Sauvant and J. Pradhan (editors), The Rise of Indian Multinationals: New Perspectives on Indian Outward FDIs, Edward Elgar, 2010 (with S. Bruschieri)
  • Indian Multinationals: Which Competitive Advantages?, in: B. Andreosso-O'Callaghan and B. Zolin (editors), Current Issues in Economic Integration: Can Asia Inspire the "West"?, Ashgate, 2010 (with S. Bruschieri)
  • Global Technology and Knowledge Management: Product Development in Brazilian Car Industry, “International Journal of Automotive technology and Management”, vol 7, n. 2/3, 2007 (with Flavia Consoni)
  • Le imprese multinazionali e l'economia italiana. Traiettorie, contraddizioni e limiti dei processi di globalizzazione nell'industria, "Economia Marche - Review of Regional Studies", XXV, n.1, April 2006
  • Tecnologia globale? Le strategie innovative delle filiali estere in Italia e il loro impatto, in: Sergio Mariotti (editor), Internazionalizzazione, innovazione e crescita dell'industria italiana, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2005 (with Rinaldo Evangelista).
  • Asset-seeking foreign affiliates create more local R&D linkages: the case of Italy, in UNCTAD, “World Investment Report 2005”, United Nations, New York / Geneva, 2005, p. 188 (with R. Evangelista)
  • Global technology: innovation strategies of foreign affiliates in Italy, "Transnational Corporations Journal", vol. 14, n. 2, August 2005 (with R. Evangelista)
  • Global Technology: Innovative Strategies of Multinational Affiliates in Italy, OECD, Paris, 2004, DSTI/EAS/IND/SWP (2004)19 (with R. Evangelista)
  • I limiti della globalizzazione mirata di Fiat Auto, “Economia e politica industriale”, n. 116, 2002
    Politiche commerciali, mondializzazione mirata e intra-firm trade nell'industria automobilistica italiana, in P. Guerrieri (editor), Liberoscambio e regole multilaterali, Il Mulino, coll. della Società Italiana degli Economisti, Bologna, 2003, cap. 7.
  • Investissements directs et activités des firmes multinationales en Italie : sources statistiques et travaux de recherche, in: Banque de France, Les investissements directs de la France dans la globalisation: mesure et enjeux, Banque de France, Paris, 2002.
  • The Impact of Focused Globalisation in the Italian Automotive Industry, The Journal of Interdisciplinary Economics, Vol. 13, n.1-3, 2002 (with A. Enrietti).
  • The Innovative Activities of Multinational Firms in Italy, in R. Lipsey, J.L. Mucchielli (editors), Multinational Firms and Impacts on Employment, Trade and Technology. New Perspectives for a New Century, Harwood Press, London, 2001 (with F. Cornaglia).
  • Les multinationales et le trafic de perfectionnement passif entre l'Italie et les pays d'Europe de l'Est : le cas du textile-habillement, Revue d'Etudes Comparatives Est-Ouest,2, 2001, vol. 32, pp.51-70 (with G. Vitali).

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