Maurizio Bussolo
Lead Economist, Europe and Central Asia Chief Economist Office (ECACE), The World Bank

Who is

Who is

Maurizio Bussolo holds a PhD in economics from the University of Warwick and is currently a lead economist at the World Bank in the Chief Economist Office for South Asia, and he has been working on quantitative analyses of economic policy and development with research interests spanning both micro and macroeconomic topics. He also worked in the Chief Economist Office for Europe and Central Asia and in the Development Economics Prospects Group; and he led operational teams in the aftermath of the 2008-09 crisis negotiating with Latin American and Caribbean governments the implementation of reforms to shield the most vulnerable. Before joining the World Bank in 2003, he worked at the OECD, at the Overseas Development Institute in London, and at Fedesarrollo and the Los Andes University in Colombia. He has published extensively in peer-reviewed journals on trade, growth, poverty and income distribution.

Selected publications

  • Social Norms and Gender Disparities with a Focus on Female Labor Force Participation in South Asia. with Jessy Amarachi Ezebuihe, Ana Maria Munoz Boudet, Stavros Poupakis, Tasmia Rahman, Nayantara Sarma, 2024, World Bank Research Observer.
  • Long‑term evolution of inequality of opportunity: Educated parents still matter with Daniele Checchi and Vito Peragine, 2023, Journal of Economic Inequality. 21, 277–323.
  • It Takes Two: Women's Empowerment and Couple Concordance in South Asia, with N. Sarma, and A.M. Williams, 2023, R&R at Journal of Development Studies (also available as Policy Research Working Paper Series 9545, The World Bank).
  • Political connections and firms: network dimensions, with S. Commander and S. Poupakis, 2023, Oxford Economic Papers, 75 (1), 256–280.
  • The links between COVID-19 vaccine acceptance and non-pharmaceutical interventions with Nayantara Sarma, Ivan Torre, 2023, Social Science & Medicine.
  • Explaining the Evolution of Job Tenure in Europe, 1995-2020 with D. Capelle, M. Lokshin, I. Torre, and H. Winkler, 2023. IZA Journal of Labor Policy, forthcoming.
  • I Perceive Therefore I Demand: The Formation of Inequality Perceptions and Demand for Redistribution, with A. Ferrer‐i‐Carbonell, A. Giolbas, and I. Torre, 2021, Review of Income and Wealth, 67(4), 835-871.
  • Welfare dynamics and inequality in the Russian Federation during 1994–2015. with H. A H. Dang, M. Lokshin, and K. Abanokova. 2020 The European Journal of Development Research, 32(4), 812-846.

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